Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

QUESTION: It seems like you offer a lot of different kinds of services. Why didn’t you just pick one?
ANSWER: Jazz Bell is a multidimensional professional who believes in the value of interconnection. This means they value the unique knowledge, skills, and perspectives that are gained by engaging in multidisciplinary work. They understand all of their work and services as inherently connected to each other and believe that each area of their work is magnified and improved by their collective experience.

QUESTION: What are your prices? I can’t find any specific pricing information on your website!
ANSWER: Jazz Bell offers a range of services. As such, they are often asked to do a range of activities that vary widely between those they work with. In order to best meet the needs of their clients, they determine their rates based on the budget of the individuals and organizations they work with, their capacity, and the amount and type of work requested. To request a quote, click HERE to contact Jazz.

QUESTION: Does Jazz Bell offer Racial Justice, Racial Awareness, or Racial Bias trainings?
ANSWER: Due to their proximity to whiteness, Jazz Bell does not offer trainings where race is the primary focus. That being said, white supremacy lays the foundation for every issue of social justice, and is a primary facet of the way they approach education, consulting, and speaking engagements centered on Disability and LGBTQIA+ justice. If you are looking for trainings focused on race, I recommend KB.

QUESTION: I think I would like to request Jazz’s services, but I have additional questions. What is the best way to reach Jazz?
ANSWER: If you have any additional questions, please email Jazz at JazzBellConsulting@gmail.com or click the button below: